All Sessions at Builth Wells Sports Centre on Monday night OPEN. All Sessions at Brecon Leisure Centre on Thursday night OPEN. See times on the home page. Taking new beginners at all our Sessions.
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Welfare Officers
Our Club Welfare Officers Peter Williams and Jenny Jones are committed to listening to young people and making your mat time the best it can be!
Peter’s Phone Number: 07836 250078
Email Address:
Jenny’s Phone Number: 07968 385545
Email Address:
If you are worried about a child, even if you are unsure contact the NSPCC professional counsellors for help advice and support on 0808 800500.
ChildLine 0800 1111
18 or under? childline offers free confidential advice and support whatever your worry, whenever you need help call Childline.
Irfon Judo Club also has a Safeguarding and Protecting Children qualified personnel.
Louise Cole 07817547459
Need to Report a Concern?
Welsh Judo Lead Safeguarding Officers
T: South Wales: Sam Atkinson 07513 417685
T: North Wales: Darren Dean 07720 294502
Child Protection in Sport Unit (Wales)
Tel: 0116 366 5590
T: 999 if someone is in immediate danger
T: 101 (18001 101 textphone) for non-emergency reporting.